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The study investigates Health Information: A Tool for effective Health Care Delivery in Nigeria (Mother and Child Hospital, Akure Experience.). The descriptive survey design approach was employed and questionnaire was the research instruments. The patients, medical and paramedical staff (Doctors, HROs, Nurses, MLS and others) of the Mother and Child Hospital, Akure were used as the respondents; convenience sampling technique was adopted to get the samples involved. Two hundred questionnaires were administered and all were retrieved by the researcher and was used for this study. Data presentation and analysis were done using frequencies, simple percentages and chi-square statistics. The result revealed that Mother and Child Akure, keeps inpatient and outpatient records alone, that there is a strong relationship between health information management and service delivery since. finally it was revealed health information managed in M&C hospital in Akure is an effective tool for effective health care delivery. The result was discussed and the recommendations were made.
