Agricultural Economics Department
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Newsletter Issue
Cornhusker Economics (August 28, 2024)
Agricultural Economics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
A research team from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Kansas State University, and South Dakota School of Mines are working on creating an alternative product that would use locally available materials to create a spray-on, biodegradable polymer that can suppress weeds and will biodegrade in a timeframe that is amenable to crop production. We broadly refer to this technology as BioWRAP (Bioplastics with Regenerative Agricultural Properties).
Our results show that the home garden market is potentially a significant one for a BioWRAP product. Continued work in the development of the BioWRAP technology is necessary to determine what the cost of a retail product is likely to be, as well as whether a product will be able to get USDA certified organic status.
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