Biographical Memoirs: Napoleon A. Chagnon, Raymond B. Hames
Impediments to Peace: In Response to ‘The Evolution of Peace’ by Luke Glowacki (December 16, 2022), Raymond B. Hames
Ethnoarchaeological Studies of Riverine Fisheries and Butchery in Pakistani Punjab, William Belcher
Of Game Keepers, Opportunism, and Conservation, Raymond Hames
Exploring Inequality at Copan, Honduras: A 2D and 3D Geospatial Comparison of Household Wealth, Heather Richards-Rissetto
Multisensory Experiences in Archaeological Landscapes—Sound, Vision, and Movement in GIS and Virtual Reality, Heather Richards-Rissetto, Kristy Primeau, David E. Witt, and Graham Goodwin
Accessing 3D Data, Francesca Albrezzi, John Bonnett, Tassie Gniady, Heather Richards-Rissetto, and Lisa Snyder
Exploring 3D Data Reuse and Repurposing through Procedural Modeling, Rachel Opitz, Heather Richards-Rissetto, Karin Dalziel, Jessica Dussault, and Greg Tunink
Ancient Lowland Maya neighborhoods: Average Nearest Neighbor analysis and kernel density models, environments, and urban scale, Amy E. Thompson, John P. Walden, Adrian S.Z. Chase, Scott R. Hutson, Damien B. Marken, Bernadette Cap, Eric C. Fries, M. Rodrigo Guzman Piedrasanta, Timothy S. Hare, Sherman W. Horn, George J. Micheletti, Shane M. Montgomery, Jessica Munson, Heather Richards-Rissetto, Kyle Shaw-Müller, Traci Ardren, Jaime J. Awe, M. Kathryn Brown, Michael Callaghan, Claire E. Ebert, Anabel Ford, Rafael A. Guerra, Julie A. Hoggarth, Brigitte Kovacevich, John M. Morris, Holley Moyes, Terry G. Powis, Jason Yaeger, Brett A. Houk, Keith M. Prufer, Arlen F. Chase, and Diane Z. Chase
Ancient Lowland Maya neighborhoods: Average Nearest Neighbor analysis and kernel density models, environments, and urban scale, Amy E. Thompson, John P. Walden, Adrian Z. Chase, Scott R. Hutson, Damien Marken, Bernadette Cap, Eric Fries, M. Rodrigo Guzman Piedrasanta, Timothy S. Hare, Sherman W. Horn III, George J. Micheletti, Shane M. Montgomery, Jessica Munson, Heather Richards-Rissetto, Kyle Shaw-Müller, Traci Ardren, Jaime J. Awe, M. Kathryn Brown, Michael Callaghan, Claire E. Ebert, Anabel Ford, Rafael A. Guerra, Julie A. Hoggarth, Brigitte Kovacevich, John M. Morris, Holley Moyes, Terry G. Powis, Jason Yaeger, Brett A. Houk, Keith M. Prufer, Arlen F. Chase, and Diane Z. Chase
Experiences in Archaeology, Social Justice, and Democratic Principles: the 2016-2019 Archaeological Field School at the University of Hawai'i West O'ahu, William Belcher, Suzanne Falgout, Joyce Chinen, Robert Kalani Carriera, and Johanna Fuller
The role of forensic anthropological techniques in identifying America's war dead from past conflicts, William Belcher, Calvin Y. Shiroma, Lesley A. Chesson, Gregory E. Berg, and Miranda Jans
The Role of Forensic Anthropological Techniques in Identifying America's War Dead from Past Conflicts, William Belcher, Calvin Y. Shiroma, Lesley A. Chesson, Gregory E. Berg, and Miranda Jans
Multi-agent scavenging patterns in Hawai‘i: A forensic archaeological and skeletal case study, Jennifer F. Byrnes and William Belcher
Modelling Acoustics in Ancient Maya Cities: Moving Towards a Synesthetic Experience Using GIS & 3D Simulation, Graham Goodwin and Heather Richards-Rissetto
To Influence?: Exploring the Socio-ecology of Zoo-morphic Imagery on the Northern Colorado Plateau, Ralph J. Hartley
Case report: Digital restoration of fragmented non-human skull, Gargi Jani, Abraham Johnson, and William Belcher
Understanding Technology Fit Among People with HIV Based on Intersections of Race, Sex, and Sexual Behavior: An Equitable Approach to Analyzing Differences Across Multiple Social Identities, Elizabeth Lockhart, DeAnne Turner, Joseph Ficek, Taylor A. Livingston, Rachel G. Logan, and Stephanie L. Marhefka
Modesty and Security: Attributes Associated with Comfort and Willingness to Engage in Telelactation, Adetola F. Louis-Jacques, Ellen J. Schafer, Taylor A. Livingston, Rachel G. Logan, and Stephanie L. Marhefka
TEACHING DIGITAL CULTURAL HERITAGE AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES THE CURRENT STATE AND PROSPECTS, Sander Münster, K Fritsche, Heather Richards-Rissetto, F Apollonio, B Aehnlich, V Schwartze, and R Smolarski
Cultural and reproductive success and the causes of war: A Yanomamö perspective, Raymond B. Hames
Aggregates, Formational Emergence, and the Focus on Practice in Stone Artifact Archaeology, Zeljko Rezek, Simon J. Holdaway, Deborah I. Olszewski, Sam C. Lin, Matthew J. Douglass, Shannon P. McPherron, Radu Iovita, David R. Braun, and Dennis Sandgathe
Fundamentals of qualitative analysis in family medicine, Wayne A. Babchuk
A Least Cost Analysis: Correlative Modeling of the Chaco Regional Road System, Sean Field, Carrie Heitman, and Heather Richards-Rissetto
The Kaiparowits Puebloans: Kayentan or Virgin Branch Migrants?, Phil R. Geib
Pacifying Hunter-Gatherers, Raymond B. Hames
Scientific Integrity in the Forensic Sciences: Consumerism, Conflicts of Interest, and Transparency, Nicholas V. Passalacqua, Marin A. Pilloud, and William Belcher
Adaptation to Variable Environments, Resilience to Climate Change: Investigating Land, Water and Settlement in Indus Northwest India, Cameron A. Petrie, Ravindra N. Singh, Jennifer Bates, Yama Dixit, Charly A.I. French, David A. Hodell, Penelope J. Jones, Carla Lancelotti, Frank Lynam, Sayantani Neogi, Arun K. Pandey, Danika Parikh, Vikas Pawar, David I. Redhouse, and Dheerendra P. Singh
Digitally-Mediated Practices of Geospatial Archaeological Data: Transformation, Integration, & Interpretation, Heather Richards-Rissetto and Kristin Landau
Data management in anthropology: the next phase in ethics governance?, Igor Boog, J. Henrike Florusbosch, Zane Kripe, Tessa Minter, Peter Pels, Metje Postma, Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner, Bob Simpson, Hansjörg Dilger, Michael Schönhuth, Anita von Poser, Rena Lederman, and Heather Richards-Rissetto
Rural Sense: Value, Heritage, and Sensory Landscapes: Developing a Design-oriented Approach to Mapping for Healthier Landscapes, Judith van der Elst, Heather Richards-Rissetto, and Lily Díaz-Kommonen
Web-based Archaeology and Collaborative Research, Fabrizio Galeazzi and Heather Richards-Rissetto
Constructing Rock Cairns: Modifying and Signifying the Alpine Landscape of Southeast Alaska, Ralph J. Hartley, Amanda Renner, and William J. Hunt Jr.
Using Virtual Reality and Photogrammetry to Enrich 3D Object Identity, Cole Juckette, Heather Richards-Rissetto, Hector Eluid Guerra Aldana, and Norman Martinez
Rural Sense: Value, Heritage, and Sensory Landscapes: Developing a Design-oriented Approach to Mapping for Healthier Landscapes, Judith van der Elst, Heather Richards-Rissetto, and Lily Díaz-Kommonen
Cross-cousin marriage among the Yanomamö shows evidence of parent–offspring conflict and mate competition between brothers, Napoleon A. Chagnon, Robert F. Lynch, Mary K. Shenk, Raymond Hames, and Mark V. Flinn
Major Fallacies Surrounding Stone Artifacts and Assemblages, Harold Dibble, Simon J. Holdaway, Sam C. Lin, David R. Braun, Matthew J. Douglass, Radu Iovita, Shannon P. McPherron, Deborah I. Olszewski, and Dennis Sandgathe
Continuity and Change in Puebloan Ritual Practice: 3,800 Years of Shrine Use in the North American Southwest, Phil R. Geib, Carrie Heitman, and Ronald C.D. Fields
Is Male Androphilia a Context-Dependent Cross-Cultural Universal?, Raymond B. Hames, Zachary H. Garfield, and Melissa J. Garfield
Innovation through Large-Scale Integration of Legacy Records: Assessing the “Value Added” in Cultural Heritage Resources, Carrie Heitman, Worthy Martin, and Stephen Plog
Estimating age of rock cairns in southeast Alaska by combining evidence from successional metrics, lichenometry, and carbon dating, Bruce McCune,; Nijmah Ali,; Ralph J. Hartley; and William J. Hunt Jr.
From Icon of Empire to National Emblem: New Evidence for the Fallow Deer of Barbuda, Sophia Perdikaris, Allison Bain, Sandrine Grouard, Karis Baker, Edith Gonzalez, A. Rus Hoelzel, Holly Miller, Reaksha Persaud, and Naomi Sykes
An iterative 3D GIS analysis of the role of visibility in ancient Maya landscapes: A case study from Copan, Honduras, Heather Richards-Rissetto
What can GIS + 3D mean for landscape archaeology?, Heather Richards-Rissetto
A Catch 22 of 3D Data Sustainability: Lessons in 3D Archaeological Data Management & Accessibility, Heather Richards-Rissetto and Jennifer von Schwerin
Changes in Male Hunting Returns, Raymond B. Hames
"A Mother for All the People": Feminist Science and Chacoan Archaeology, Carrie C. Heitman
Ohio Hopewell: Ancient Crossroads of the America Midwest, Carrie Heitman, William Parkinson, Krystal Britt, Jamie Kelly, Karin Dalziel, and Jessica Dussault
Maritime Alpine Cairns in Southeast Alaska: A Multidisciplinary Exploratory Study, William J. Hunt Jr., Ralph J. Hartley, Bruce McCune, Nijmah Ali, and Thomas F. Thornton
Paleoindians, Proboscideans, and Phytotoxins: Exploring the Feasibility of Poison Hunting during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition, Alan J. Osborn
The Baller biface cache: A possible Clovis site in Hitchcock County, Nebraska, Alan J. Osborn
3D Tool Evaluation and Workflow for an Ecological Approach to Visualizing Ancient Socio-environmental Landscapes: A Case Study from Copan, Honduras, Heather Richards-Rissetto, Shona Sanford-Long, and Jack Kerby-Miller
Chaco Landscapes: Data, Theory and Management, Ruth Van Dyke, Stephen Lekson, Carrie Heitman, and Julian Thomas
A Problematic Test of the Kin Selection Hypothesis Among the Urak-Lawoi of Ko Lipe, Thailand: Commentary on Camperio Ciani, Battaglia, and Liotta (2015), Paul L. Vasey, Doug P. VanderLaan, Raymond Hames, and Amornthep Jaidee
Airborne LiDAR acquisition, post-processing and accuracy-checking for a 3D WebGIS of Copan, Honduras, Jennifer von Schwerin, Heather Richards-Rissetto, Fabio Remondino, Maria Grazia Spera, Michael Auer, Nicolas Billen, Lukas Loos, Laura Stelson, and Markus Reindel
Kin Selection, Raymond Hames
Competition Expressed: Marking Places within Rural and Urban Landscapes, Ralph J. Hartley and Sharon L. Kennedy
The House of Our Ancestors: New Research on the Prehistory of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, A.D. 800–1200, Carrie Heitman
The Relevance of Maize Pollen for Assessing the Extent of Maize Production in Chaco Canyon, Carrie C. Heitman and Phil R. Geib
Chaco Revisited: New Research on the Prehistory of Chaco Canyon, NM, Carrie Heitman and Stephen Plog
Multilevel Modeling Analysis of Dyadic Network Data With an Application to Ye’kwana Food Sharing, Jeremy Koster, George Leckie, Andrew Miller, and Raymond B. Hames
Procedural Modeling for Ancient Maya Cityscapes: Initial methodological challenges and solutions, Heather Richards-Rissetto and Rachel Plessing
"Fighting over a Shadow?": Hellenistic Greek Cities and Greco-Roman Cities as Fora and Media for Multi-Level Social Signaling, LuAnn Wandsnider
Water Resources and the Historic Wells of Barbuda: Tradition, Heritage and Hope for a Sustainable Future, Rebecca Boger, Sophia Perdikaris, Amy E. Potter, John Mussington, Reginald Murphy, Louise Thomas, Calvin Gore, and Dwight Finch
Diversity in Human Behavioral Ecology, Raymond B. Hames
Eye of the Needle: Cold Stress, Clothing, and Sewing Technology during the Younger Dryas Cold Event in North America, Alan J. Osborn
A Life History Perspective on Skin Cancer and the Evolution of Skin Pigmentation, Daniel L. Osborne and Raymond B. Hames
Movement as a means of social (re)production: Using GIS to measure social integration across urban landscapes, Heather Richards-Rissetto and Kristin Landau
The “female fertility–social stratification–hypergyny” hypothesis of male homosexual preference: factual, conceptual and methodological errors in Barthes et al. [Commentary], Doug P. VanderLaan, Zachary H. Garfield, Melissa J. Garfield, Jean-Baptiste Leca, Paul L. Vasey, and Raymond B. Hames
Sedentism, Social Change, Warfare, and the Bow in the Ancient Pueblo Southwest, Paul F. Reed and Phil R. Geib
From Mounds to Maps to Models: Visualizing Ancient Architecture Across Landscapes, Heather Richards-Rissetto
Geospatial Virtual Heritage: A Gesture-Based 3D GIS to Engage the Public with Ancient Maya Archaeology, Heather Richards-Rissetto, Jim Robertsson, Jennifer von Schwerin, Giorgio Agugario, Fabio Remondino, and Gabrio Girardi
The MayaArch3D project: A 3D WebGIS for analyzing ancient architecture and landscapes, Jennifer von Schwerin, Heather Richards-Rissetto, Fabio Remondino, Giorgio Agugario, and Gabrio Girardi
Public Buildings and Civic Benefactions in Western Rough Cilicia: insights from signaling theory, LuAnn Wandsnider
Sex differences in spatial abilities: Methodological problems in Hoffman et al., Drew A.H. Bailey, Richard A. Lippa, Marco Del Giudice, Raymond Hames, and Dave C. Geary
Anthropological Data Regarding the Adaptiveness of Hebephilia, Raymond B. Hames and Ray Blanchard
Signifying the Place of Unforgettable Memory: Atrocity and Trauma in a Post-Conflict Landscape, Ralph J. Hartley
Binford, Lewis R., Alan J. Osborn
Body size and pubertal development explain ethnic differences in structural geometry at the femur in Asian, Hispanic, and white early adolescent girls living in the U.S., Daniel L. Osborne, C.M. Weaver, L.D. McCabe, G.P. McCabe, R. Novotny, M.D. Van Loan, S. Going, V. Matkovic, C.J. Boushey, and D.A. Savaiano
Social Interaction at the Maya Site of Copan, Honduras: A Least Cost Approach to Configurational Analysis, Heather Richards-Rissetto
Kinect and 3D GIS in archaeology, Heather Richards-Rissetto, Fabio Remondino, Jim Robersson, Jennifer von Schwerin, Giorgio Agugiaro, and Gabrio Girardi
A Survey of Non-Classical Polyandry, Kathrine E. Starkweather and Raymond Hames
A WEB-BASED INTERACTIVE TOOL FOR MULTI-RESOLUTION 3D MODELS OF A MAYA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE, G. Agugiaro, Fabio Remondino, Gabrio Girardi, Jennifer von Schwerin, H. Richards-Rissetto, and Raffaele de Amicis
Review of Fauvel. The First Archaeologist in Athens and his Philhellenic Correspondents, by C. W. Clairmont, Effie Athanassopoulos
Cordage, Textiles, and the Late Pleistocene Peopling of the Andes, Edward A. Jolie, Thomas F. Lynch, Phil R. Geib, and J. M. Adovasio
Statement on the Publication of Alice Dreger’s Investigation, “Darkness’s Descent on the American Anthropological Association: A Cautionary Tale”, Jane B. Lancaster and Raymond B. Hames
In Memoriam: Lewis R. Binford, 1931-2011, Alan J. Osborn
Tanning Predicts Bone Mass but Not Structure in Adolescent Females Living in Hawaii, Daniel L. Osborne, Connie M. Weaver, Linda D. McCabe, George P. McCabe, Rachel Novotny, Carol Boushey, and Dennis A. Savaiano
Production decisions and time allocation: a guide to data collection, Raymond B. Hames
Time Diary versus Instantaneous Sampling: A Comparison of Two Behavioral Research Methods, Michael Paolisso and Raymond B. Hames
Hierarchy and Social Inequality in the American Southwest, A.D. 800-1200, Stephen Plog and Carrie Heitman
Life in the Truck Lane: Urban Development in Western Rough Cilicia, Nicholas K. Rauh, Rhys F. Townsend, Michael C. Hoff, Matthew Dillon, Martin W. Doyle, Cheryl A. Ward, Richard M. Rothaus, Hülya Caner, Ünal Akkemik, LuAnn Wandsnider, F. Sancar Ozaner, and Christopher D. Dore
Age Discrepancies with the Radiocarbon Dating of Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.)., Phil R. Geib
The Role of Basketry in Early Holocene Small Seed Exploitation: Implications of a ca. 9,000 Year-Old Basket from Cowboy Cave, Utah, Phil R. Geib and Edward A. Jolie
A pilot study into the effects of X-ray and computed tomography exposure on the amplification of DNA from bone, Britta M. Grieshaber, Daniel L. Osborne, Alison F. Doubleday, and Frederika A. Kaestle