American Quilt Study Group


Uncoverings Journal

Date of this Version


Document Type



Uncoverings: The Research Papers of the American Quilt Study Group 12 (1991), 213 pages

San Francisco, California, United States

Editor: Laurel Horton

ISSN: 0277-0628


Copyright 1991, AQSG and the authors. Used by permission


Dedication:Michael Kile (1947-1991) by Rod Kiracofe

Preface by Laurel Horton

Research Papers

A Text of the Times: The NAMES Project by Lawrence Howe

A Quilt Guild: Its Role in the Elaboration of Female Identity by Catherine A. Cerny

Quilts used as Backdrops in Old Photographs by Vista Anne Mahan

Brain Dominance and Quilters: A Small Group Study by William J. Riffe

Mary A. McElwain: Quilter and Quilt Businesswoman by Pat L. Nickols

Tradition and Art: Two Layers of Meaning in the Bloomington Quilters Guild by Clover Nolan Williams

Quiltmaking in Counties Antrim and Down: Preliminary Findings from the Ulster Quilt Survey by Valerie Wilson

Student Papers

Hard Times and Home Crafts: The Economics of Contemporary Appalachian Quilting by Caryn M. Kendra

The Machado Quilt: A Study in Multi~cultural Folk Art by Kyle Emily Ciani

