Department of Chemistry
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Published in final edited form as: J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2010 June 15; 878(20): 1707–1713. doi:10.1016/j.jchromb. 2010.04.028. Version presented here is from NIH PubMed Central.
This study examined the use of affinity microcolumns as tools for the rapid analysis and highthroughput screening of drug-protein binding. The protein used was immobilized human serum albumin (HSA) and the model analytes were warfarin and L-tryptophan, two solutes often used as site-specific probes for drug binding to Sudlow sites I and II of HSA, respectively. The use of HSA microcolumns in binding studies was examined by using both zonal elution and frontal analysis formats. The zonal elution studies were conducted by injecting the probe compounds onto HSA microcolumns of varying lengths while measuring the resulting retention factors, plate heights and peak asymmetries. A decrease in the retention factor was noted when moving from longer to shorter column lengths while using a constant amount of injected solute. However, this change could be corrected, in part, by determining the relative retention factor of a solute versus a reference compound injected onto the same microcolumn. The plate height values were relatively consistent for all column lengths and gave an expected increase at higher linear velocities. The peak asymmetries were similar for all columns up to 1 mL/min but shifted to larger values at higher flow rates and when using short microcolumns (e.g., 1 mm length). The association equilibrium constants and number of binding sites estimated by frontal analysis for warfarin with HSA were consistent at the various columns sizes that were tested and gave good agreement with previous literature values. These results confirmed affinity microcolumns provide comparable results to those obtained with longer columns and can be used in the rapid analysis of drug-protein binding and in the high-throughput screening of such interactions.
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