Natural Resources, School of
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Korus, J.T., Cameron, K., Waszgis, M., 2024. Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) Survey for Targeted Drilling on the Kurtzhals Property, Cedar County, Nebraska. Open-File Report 258, Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
The Kurtzhals property is in Section 19, Township 30N, Range 3 in Cedar County, Nebraska. The present land use is agricultural row crop, but past use included hog production. Two active irrigation wells are located on adjacent properties to the west and southwest. An irrigation well was installed in the northwest corner of the property in 2022. Due to the low yield (300 gallons per minute) of this well, Mr. Kurtzhals seeks to install an additional irrigation well to supplement the first. Several unsuccessful test holes had been drilled prior to the present survey. The purpose of this survey was to find targets for additional test hole drilling.
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