Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education


Kimberley D'Adamo: Art, Curriculum, Publications, and Other Scholarly Works

Date of this Version


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Palo Alto Arts Center Foundation, 2023


Copyright 2023, Palo Alto Arts Center Foundation. Used by permission


Art-based inquiry is an approach to art education that frames art making as a form of inquiry—a way of exploring and learning about ideas, ourselves and the world. The goals of art-based inquiry are understanding important topics, imagining possibilities, and inventing new realities. Students create art in order to meet those goals and they do it with a teacher’s guidance. For Creative Connections, art-based inquiry calls for a slight shift in perspective and change in practice. Adopting art-based inquiry does not mean throwing out everything you do. It means seeing art class diff erently and adapting it to a more concept-driven, learning-centered and open-ended approach. Small as this shift may seem, it has broad and important implications. They are:

■ Emphasis is on exploring and learning about meaningful ideas and concepts—not solely on making art objects or practicing techniques.

■ Construction of artworks (using materials and techniques) plays a supportive role to learning about concepts and playing with ideas.

■ Learning is scaff olded and open-ended.

■ Thinking is emphasized and made explicit.

■ Creative interpretation, imagination and invention are included in every project.

■ Curriculum is understood as a whole—as a continuum of projects and activities that build upon each other.

■ Reflection and documentation are integral to the process.
