Drought -- National Drought Mitigation Center
Date of this Version
February 1994
Document Type
The drought of 1992 persisted through the winter of 1993 (see Drought Network News, Vol. 5, No. 2 [June 1993]:12-15). Figure 1 shows the monthly values of national rainfall in 1993 and their normal averages. National rainfall was 28% and 63%, respectively, of the mean during January and February 1993. During March, rainfall was about normal, but drought conditions persisted because of the rainfall deficit from the summer of 1992. Water supplies increased until 20 April 1993, but after this date, drought conditions returned. At the end of April, the soil moisture in the 0-20 cm layer was 10- 25 mm, which is insufficient for normal emergence and growth of spring crops. The development of winter crops was also delayed. In some areas of the country, the available soil moisture in the top 1 mm was only 60-71% of the available capacity in April.
Published in Drought Network News February 1994. Published by the International Drought Information Center and the National Drought Mitigation Center, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska – Lincoln.