Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Archival Material
Date of this Version
The months, phases of the moon, celestial risings and settings, historical events (mostly disasters and religious festivals), weather predictions, product endorsements, postal rates, canning tips, farming advice, Hessian fly control, freight car capacities, smoking meat, home-made sausage, butchering, rice, blackberry jam, Thanksgiving turkey hints, cranberries, ginger bread, remedies for chiggers, weights and measures, French proverbs, business rules, corned beef, canned corn, cattle ailments, land measurement, the draft of plows, world facts, wedding anniversaries, sugar cakes, "Success Talk for Boys", cutworm control, digging bar, pipe wrench, jokes, miscellaneous facts, iceless refrigerator, aphis on roses, rules of health, misconceptions about weather, values of foreign coins, quantities of seed to plant, how the months got named, Mason-Dixon Line, radium, brain size, fabric names, mosquitoes, stain removal, migrating birds, weights of groceries, table of wages, water-proofing, world populations by religion and sect, notable financial panics, the metric system, Factories and Offices of the F. S. Royster Guano Company.
AGAIN, in accordance with our custom of many years, we have undertaken the pleasant task of compiling, for your pleasure and profit, this little volume of useful data, the Royster Almanac for 1917. In presenting it ·to you, we take this occasion to extend to you our warmest good wishes for the coming year and to assure you of our sincere appreciation of your past patronage. We will feel amply repaid for the labor and expense which has gone into the making of this almanac, if you will hang it upon your wall where it can be conveniently consulted throughout the year as a book of ready reference. Its many articles of useful information will often prove of val~e to the farm and household. In addition to the other data in this book, you will find at the bottom of each page reprints of letters from users of our fertilizers. These are only a few of the thousands we receive and we publIsh them in the firm belief that they are valuable reading for any farmer who is sincerely trying to get the biggest ,and best results from his farming.