Extension, Cooperative
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Every Nebraskans should be interested in rangeland. The plants, soil, and water are the foundation of Nebraska's economy and quality of life. Rangeland is one of Nebraska's most important and valuable natural resources because it:
• produces forage for livestock and wild game;
• provides a varied habitat for many wildlife species;
• protects the soil from wind and water erosion;
• preserves a "germplasm bank" for many plant species that may become important for yet unknown uses;
• purifies and enhances the environment by cleasing the air, filtering the runoff to streams, increasing the intake of precipitation, and aiding groundwater recharge;
• perseveres in adversity and renews itself when the opportunity is provided by those who use and sometimes abuse it; and
• pleases those who have learned to appreciate the beauty and aesthetic qualities of rangeland.
These are called the "Seven P's of Rangeland." Range plants must be the right kind and kept productive for best use of this resource. Most people enjoy wildlife, hunting, camping, clean water, fishing, and eating beef. Range supplies us with those items, so we must management it wisely.
© 1992, The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska on behalf of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension. All rights reserved.