Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


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© 1991, The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska on behalf of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension. All rights reserved.


Windbreaks can support wildlife that add beauty and pleasure to our lives. They also sustain birds that eat insect pests, improve hunting opportunities, and provide a focal point for family outdoor activities. The world around us would be less appealing without the stimulation--the color, sounds, tracks, and mystery--of wild creatures; windbreaks help wildlife and in some areas are essential to survival of the wildlife we enjoy. You can add wildlife benefits to windbreak plantings whether your main goal is to shelter crops, livestock, roads, or a home or farmstead. This publication provides an overview of windbreaks and wildlife, and gives examples of trees, shrubs, and planting designs to consider. However, because adapted plant types and wildlife needs vary among areas, refer to local experts for details. Personnel from Cooperative Extension, state wildlife or forestry agencies, the Soil Conservation Service, and others can help or will know how to direct you to the needed information.
