Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies
Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Conference Proceedings
Date of this Version
Document Type
Proceedings of Perdix IV: Gray Partridge Workshop (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, September 29-October 4, 1986)
Editors: Richard O. Kimmel, John W. Schulz, and George J. Mitchell
Illustrator: Richard Erpelding
Publisher: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, June 1987
Sponsors: Saskatchewan Parks and Renewable Resources, Wildlife Society Central Mountains and Plains Section, Wildlife Society North Dakota Chapter, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Game Conservancy Trust
Foreword, John W. Schulz Introduction to Perdix IV, Ted W. Weins
The effect of insect abundance on gray partridge chick survivorship in New York, Jody W. Enck
Foods and feeding behavior of young gray partridge in Minnesota, Richard Erpelding, Richard O. Kimmel, and Drake J. Lockman
Are the results of research on the partridge in Britain relevant to the conservation of this species in North America? G. R. Potts
Imprinting: A technique for wildlife research, Richard O. Kimmel and W. M. Healy
The Wisconsin experiment: Perdix IX Workshop, Robert T. Dumke and William J. Vander Zouwen, Jr.
Gray partridge estabilshment attempts in Pennsylvania, Gerald A. Wunz
Census of the gray partridge in south central Manitoba, Robert E. Jones
Gray partridge in Alberta: Present status and experiences with census techniques, D. L. J. Moyles and L. A. Lester
Gray partridge: Prairie perspective, George J. Mitchell
Field trip to Eyebrow Lake study area. Ross W. Melinchuk
Gray partridge ecology in north-central North Dakota, John P. Carroll
The development of thermoregulation in gray partridge chicks, Sharon D. Offerdahl and Albert J. Fivizzani
Gray partridge and rick-necked pheasant brood feeding on areas managed as nesting cover, Diana Hildreth Regenscheid, Richard O. Kimmel, Richard Erpelding, and Alfred H. Grewe, Jr.
Utilization of gray partridge by hunters in Minnesota, Richard O. Kimmel and Richard Erpelding
Status of gray partridge in North America, 1986, Donald Nelson
Agenda for Perdix IV
Copyright 1987, the authors of the respective papers. Used by permission