Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Newsletters

Date of this Version


Document Type



Tragopan: Newsletter of the WPA/Species Survival Commission/BirdLife Pheasant Specialist Group 8-13/14 (1998-2001)

Alternate title: Tragopan: Newsletter of the WPA/BirdLife/Species Survival Commission Pheasant Specialist Group

Publication of the World Pheasant Association, BirdLife International, and the IUCN Species Survival Commission Pheasant Specialist Group


Copyright 1998-2001, and the authors of the respective items. Used by permission


Issue 8 (March 1998)


From the Chairman

Project news

International Symposium

Vietnamese Seminar

Edwards"s pheasant workshop

Studies on Elliot's pheasant

Neating of Blyth 's tragopan

Annamese silver pheasant

Siamese firebacks in Vietnam

Peoples' participation in Vietnam

Funding agencies

PSO core committee

Issue 9 (August 1998)


From the Chairman

Project news

lnternational Galliformes Symposium

The New Pheasant Action Plan

Brown eared pheasant distribution

Imperial pheasant - a hybrid?

Probable new pheasant taxon

Dolan's eared pheasant

Pheasunts in Great Himalayan National Park

Reeves's pheasant nature reserve

Pipar pheasant survey, Nepal


Issue 10 (March 1999)


From the Chairman

Project news

News snippets

New pheasant taxon

Dolan's eared pheasant survey

DNA research project

Kalij/silver pheasant DNA project

Dropped feathers as indicators of habitat selection

Cheer pheasant survey

Letters from Kashmir

Funding agency

Book review

Issue 11 (September 1999)

From the Chairman

Project roundup

Other news

Major Chinese project

Regional workshop

Forthcoming meetings

Pheasant Action Plan 2000-2004

Brown eared pheasant ecology

Edward's pheasant PA

Green peafowl in Vietnam

Temminck's tragopan in India

Issue 12 (February 2000)

From the Chairman, Stuart Marsden

Project roundup

Other news

Genetic research

New Action Plan

Action Plan projects

Research reports

Nepal 2000 symposium

Issue 13/14 (March 2001)

From the Chairman, Stuart Marsden

Project roundup

Other news

Research reports

Sclater's monal (Han Lianxian)

Sclater's monal (Rimlinger)

Cheer pheasant (Kalsi)

Palawan peacock pheasant (Lee)

Reeves's pheasant (Zhengwang)

Tibetan eared pheasant (Lu Xin)

Narayan Sarovar, India (Gokula)

Pheasant management (Pandey)
