History, Department of


Date of this Version

Fall 1998


Published in ALBION: A QUARTERLY JOURNAL CONCERNED WITH BRITISH STUDIES, Vol. 30, No. 3 (Autumn, 1998), pp. 483-484. Copyright © 1998 Appalachian State University, published by University of Chicago Press. Used by permission


One of the most influential books of sixteenth century England was John Foxe's Acts and Monuments, commonly known as "The Book of Martyrs." For over a hundred years what has readily been available to students has been either Stephen Cattley's or Josiah Pratt's nineteenth century editions. In 1993 the British Academy agreed to produce a complete critical edition of the work, which will be of enormous value to scholars and students. Once a director, research assistant, and committee were selected, they began to identify scholars who were doing research on Foxe and his influence. They arranged a colloquia at Cambridge University in 1995 to discuss the significance of Foxe and most of the papers there presented comprise this thorough and thought-provoking volume. A number of the most influential scholars of early modern English religious and cultural history are represented in this collection.

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