Honors Program


First Advisor

Nicole Tunnison, Ph.D., Management

Date of this Version


Document Type



Hoover, C. 2024. Nebraska Department of Transportation Strategic Audit. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Chloe Hoover 2024


The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) is a state government agency that is responsible for the planning, development, design, construction, maintenance, and administration of the state highway system. Two strategic analyses are completed about NDOT: a PESTEL analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis. Both of these analyses showed that since NDOT is a state agency, it impacts foundational aspects of its strategy. NDOT’s strategy is influenced by its financial strategy, policies or political influence, and public importance. NDOT competes with other companies in its workforce and employees and/or applicants leaving NDOT for other companies. This report details NDOT’s strategy, competitive advantage, and the sustainability of its competitive advantage.

Key Words: NDOT, State Agency, Porter’s Five Forces, PESTEL, Strategy
