The Agricultural Research Division is the major research agency of the University of Nebraska's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources and is Nebraska's Agricultural Experiment Station. ARD scientists improve the quality of life for Nebraskans across the state. They make important contributions to the state's agriculture, food industries, environment, the well-being of families, and community development. Research occurs in fields, feedlots, the natural environment, homes, yards, gardens, and cities and towns. ARD scientists provide new knowledge and seek answers to Nebraskans' problems and concerns.

Browse the Agricultural Research Division of IANR Collections:

Agricultural Research Division: News and Annual Reports

Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center

Endeavors: Highlights of University of Nebraska-Lincoln Agricultural Research Division Research

Haskell Agricultural Laboratory (Northeast Research and Extension Center)

Panhandle Research and Extension Center

Panhandle Research and Extension Center: Press Releases

Southeast Research and Extension Center

West Central Research and Extension Center, North Platte