Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Document Type
Nwokike, O. A. & Unegbu, V. E. (2019). Evaluating the Job Performance of Librarians in Universities in South-East, Nigeria. Library Philosophy and practice e-journal
Job performance consists of a set of employees’ behaviours that are perceived to be in agreement with organizational goals that can be measured, monitored and assessed as an achievement at an individual level. The librarian’s job performance is that aspect of work behaviour that is of relevance to the library’s success. This paper presents findings from a self-rating questionnaire on the levels of job performance of librarians in universities in one region of Nigeria. The study was carried out using a cross-sectional survey design to collect data from 210 respondents in 21 universities based on total enumeration. Data was analyzed and presented in tables. Anchored on the eight factor model of job performance, the study found that the level of job performance of librarians in universities in South-East, Nigeria was high (Mean= 3.03, SD=0.67). The study concluded that contrary to prior studies, librarians’ level of job performance was high. It recommended that librarians should get regular training or acquire new skills in their job, so that they would be able to meet the demands of the challenging library work environment.
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