Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln





This study analyses the survey was undertaken among the academic community, they have been utilized Electronic Resources by the respondents from selected State Universities of Kerala, India. The analysis attempt to know the awareness of UGC-INFONET, purposes of use UGC-INFONET consortium resources, level of satisfaction, preference given to download the full text articles, use of databases and respondents observed constraints, barriers and limitations while access the UGC-INFONET services offered in the Select State Universities of Kerala. The respondents of the study were 421 from selected State Universities in Kerala State, India. The Respondents categorize include Teaching faculty, Research Scholars and PG Students, the analysis made effective use of Electronic resources in rely on academic research prevalence of their needs in the Six State Universities of Kerala. The results examined out of 421 respondents, 220 (52.3%) of them belong to Research scholar. majority of respondents 109 (25.9%) are post graduates and 75 (17.8%) are having PG with NET qualification. Mean value for ‘To borrow books’ was 3.86 and assigned the rank one. Majority of respondents 416 (98.8%) are searching for educational and research Information. The findings of the study could identify the various parameters while access Electronic resources by the academic community. The study would helpful to bring to access Electronic Information for momentum of gain research and academic ideas among the users.
