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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the Indian wheat research output during 1996 to 2015 from a bibliometric point of view.
Methodology: The data for the study was extracted from Scopus database for the 20 years time period from 1996-2015 using the keywords identified through MeSH. A total of 8554 Indian papers on wheat research were selected and analyzed to study the year-wise output, most prolific authors, document types, top journals, top institutions, international collaborations, funding agencies, citation profile and top cited papers.
Findings: With 8.52% of the global research output on wheat, India stands at 3rd position in the world during 1996-2015, receiving citations at an average of 14.68 citations per paper. The international collaborative papers with 91 countries, accounting for 13.92% of total papers, received more citations in comparison to other papers. IARI New Delhi is the top institution while H.S. Dhaliwal is the top author in terms of publication count. CSIR is the topmost funding agency. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science and Indian Journal of Agronomy were the most preferred journal for publishing Indian wheat research. Almost half of the total papers received upto ten citations. The paper by J.Peng et al published in Nature was the top cited paper.
Research Limitations: The study is limited only to the publications indexed in Scopus database.
Originality: This study is unique in the sense that no bibliometric study is available on Indian wheat research output till date. The present study will be beneficial for the researchers and policy makers interested in wheat research in India. The study also adds to the corpus of bibliometric literature.