Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date of this Version
Fall 11-1-2020
Document Type
The study investigated multimedia technologies utilisation as a correlate of lecturers’ teaching effectiveness in colleges of education in south west, Nigeria. . This is for the purpose of ascertaining the relationship and contribution of multimedia technologies to lecturers’ teaching effectiveness in Nigerian colleges of education. The descriptive research design was adopted, while a multi-stage sampling procedure was used in the study. Stratified sampling technique was used to select colleges of education and simple random sampling method was employed to select lecturers from the selected colleges of education. A total of 862 lecturers (627 males and 235 females) participated in the study. A structured questionnaire tagged “Lecturers’ Questionnaire on Multimedia Technologies Utilisation and teaching effectiveness in Colleges of Education in South western Nigeria” (LQMTUTECESN) with the reliability coefficient of 0.86 was used for data collected. Four research questions were answered and two hypotheses were tested in the study at 0.05 level of significance. The results showed that multimedia technologies utilisation were averagely utilised in colleges of education in southwester Nigeria while lecturers’ teaching effectiveness were high also there is significant relationship between multimedia technologies utilisation and lecturers’ teaching effectiveness. The academic library is significant in promoting the use of multimedia technology in tertiary institution in Nigeria and multimedia technologies utilisation could be considered to be significantly influence lecturers’ teaching effectiveness in colleges of education in south-west Nigeria.