Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study aimed to determine innovativeness and leadership as determinants affecting the use of ICTs among librarians in Nigeria. The cross-sectional research design was used in this study to survey 254 certified librarians systematically selected from the 5,437 librarians certified by the Library Registration Council of Nigeria (LRCN). A structured questionnaire, which was the research instrument of this study was validated by experts and considered reliable using the Cronbach Alpha formula on SPSS version 20. At against the 254 copies of the questionnaire distributed in online formats, only 177 questionnaires were completely and correctly retrieved and filled. Key findings are librarians had a high level of innovativeness as most librarians were found to try any new app/ICT they hear of at least once etc. It was also found that the democratic style of leadership was the prevalent leadership style in libraries in Nigeria. It was also found that innovativeness (F(4, 172)=33.371, p< 000) and leadership (F(4, 172)=33.371, p< 000) were both determinants of ICTs usage among librarians. Hence, if librarians continue to increase their level of innovativeness with the help of democratic leaders, increased innovations, meaningful ICT usage, and sustainable development may not be far-fetched in Nigeria. Nonetheless, certain recommendations made must be followed.
