Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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The study investigated the use of networking applications for knowledge sharing among librarians in University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The purpose was to identify the types of networking apps used, the extent of use, perceived benefits, and problems associated with the use of networking apps for knowledge sharing. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population comprised the total of 25 librarians (both practicing & teaching staff). Structured Questionnaire was used as primary instrument for data collection. Data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics of arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The study however identifies email apps, whatsapp, facebook app, instagram app, zoom app, and tweeter app as the types of networking apps used for knowledge sharing, but only few persons used linkedin app and skype app. The study also shows that email apps, whatsapp, facebook app, instagram app and tweeter app were used frequently due to some identified benefits to include ease of use, cost effectiveness, speed of access and retrieval, automatic storage and preservation, external and internal communication and collaboration amongst others. In spite of these overwhelming benefits, high cost of networking devices/subscription, lack of interest, lack of skills, inadequate internet access, fear of criticism and others still militate against the use of networking apps for knowledge sharing among librarians. The study thus recommends adequate capacity building on the use of emerging networking applications for knowledge sharing for all librarians to keep pace with new media. Also, the culture, enthusiasm and the willingness to share knowledge using networking apps should be developed among librarians.