Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date of this Version
Winter 9-27-2021
Document Type
The study is an impactful investigation carried out in South-East, Nigeria. The study's rationale was to understand the importance of a special library among special learners. Specifically, it seeks to ascertain the importance of a special library among learners of History and International studies. Several scholarly journal articles were reviewed. Documentaries and published materials found in libraries and the internet were mostly reviewed especially on the relevance in ensuring quality discussion of the issues at stake. From studies reviewed, it was gathered that special learners especially those in History and International studies need information centers where they could gather all possible relevant information of their choices in order tackle both national and international issues as expected in their discipline. The study reveals that special learners are pleased with learning in well-defined learning environments. It further reveals that it has gathered that there are limited information centers in South East federal and state universities. The paper advocates for the establishment of a special library in all state and federal universities in southeast, Nigeria in order to ensure quality and improved learning outcomes among learners of all disciplines especially those of History and International studies that have multidimensional issues to examine.