Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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The study intends to presents a Bibliometric analysis of articles presented at the Nigerian Library Association’s (NLA’s) National Conferences/ AGMs, 2019-2021, it will find out the distribution of articles that were presented in NLA’s conferences from 2019_2021, the degree of collaboration among the authors, and collaborative index of articles presented at NLA’s National conferences from the year 2019_2021. Data were collected from the NLA’s journals. To achieve the purpose of the study, three objectives guided the study .The study adopted descriptive survey design. The data were analyzed using frequency table and simple percentage. The findings of the study reveal that 29 articles were presented of which 17 of the number is multiple authors, and that of single authors is 12. The degree of collaboration of articles presented at NLA’s National conferences 2019 to 2021 is 0.59, this indicates that degree of collaboration was positive; this reveals that NLA is presenting high quality articles. And the collaborative index of articles presented at NLA’s conference in the year 2019 is 0.25 and in 2021 is 0.54. This indicates that the collaboration among the authors is positive. This indicates that NLA journals are publishing collaborative articles of high quality. The study recommended that measures should be taken to ensure that the invitations for papers reach every nooks and crannies of Nigeria; this can increase the number of contributors. More authors should be motivated to produce collaborative articles. More authors need orientation.