Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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This study was conducted to assess the frequency and purposes of the library usage by LIS students at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur. The researcher examined the usage of main library of IUB by students of 2nd & 4th semester of Department of Library and Information Science. Data were collected from 64 respondents through questionnaires. For data analysis, SPSS is used to determine the mean values of the reasons of library use, kind of material, access to the material, satisfaction with the library services, problem faced by the students and behavior of the library staff. The study shows that respondents mostly visited the library once in a week for reading books, making class assignments and for exam preparation and they prefer library books rather than reference material, journal & theses. Most of the respondents do not use catalogue cards, OPAC or ask from Librarian to access their required material. In addition, most of the students were satisfied with circulation, reference services and staff assistance. Moreover, the major problem faced by respondents was electricity failure, less number of computer provision and internet speed and connectivity.