National Collegiate Honors Council
Date of this Version
Document Type
FUNDRAI$ING FOR HONOR$ A HANDBOOK by Larry R. Andrews (Lincoln, NE: National Collegiate Honors Council, 2009).
Introduction . 5
Chapter 1:
Baby Steps: Getting Started . 9
Barriers to Honors Fundraising Success . 10
Institutional Context . 11
Filthy Lucre: How Can Honors Use It? . 13
Building an Alumni Donor Base . 14
Communications . 17
Events. 21
Organization . 23
Solicitation . 24
Stewardship 101: Effective Written Communications . 27
Procedures . 28
Content . 29
Securing the Support of Top Administrators. 35
Getting to Know the Development Office . 37
Developing Modest Projects. 41
Exploring Grant Funding. 45
Chapter 2:
Finding the Pace: Increasing the Momentum . 53
Stewardship 301: Donor Activities . 53
Events. 53
Recognition . 55
Creating a Fundraising Plan . 56
Acquiring Some Formal Training . 65
Developing More Ambitious Projects. 67
Writing Effective Case Statements . 71
Making Fundraising Processes Systematic . 77
Making Cold Calls and Listening to Donors . 82
Preparation . 83
The Meeting. 86
Writing Grants . 89
Making Public Relations Systematic. 98
Securing and Building Unrestricted Funds . 100
Chapter 3:
Bold Strides: Becoming a Pro! . 103
Making Honors Prominent in a Capital Campaign . 103
Establishing and Working with an Advisory Board . 106
Creating Naming Opportunities . 108
Developing Transformative Projects . 110
Scholarships . 110
Facilities . 114
Artist/Lecture Series . 115
Professorships. 117
Endowing the Program or College! . 122
Conclusion . 125
Appendix A:
Glossary . 127
Appendix B:
NCHC E-mail Survey, Fall 2007 . 131
Appendix C:
Sample Documents. 135
1. Thank-You Letters . 135
2. Thesis Sponsorship Solicitation and Reply Form . 137
3. Mail Reply Forms, with Options to Donate . 140
4. Student Publicity Waivers. 142
5. Press Release for a Hometown Newspaper . 144
6. Case Statements . 145
7. Contact Notes. 150
Appendix D:
Annotated Bibliography . 153
Published in 2009 by National Collegiate Honors Council 110 Neihardt Residence Center University of Nebraska-Lincoln 540 N. 16th Street Lincoln, NE 68588-0627 (402) 472-9150 FAX: (402) 472-9152 Email:
© Copyright 2009 by National Collegiate Honors Council