National Collegiate Honors Council


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Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting of the NATIONAL COLLEGIATE HONORS COUNCIL. Washington, D.C. October 20-22, 1967. Edited by WALTER D. WEIR, Executive Secretary-Treasurer


The National Collegiate Honors Council conducted its second annual meeting at the Statler-Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C., October 20-22, 1967. About 230 faculty members, administrators, and students attended this meeting. The proceedings of that meeting are contained in this volume. The meeting was basically devoted to three concerns: (1) the problem of liaison between secondary schools and college honors programs; (2) problems and developments in the offering of science courses for honors students; (3) the exchange of information about problems and new directions in the honors program of those participating in the meeting. For the most part, the papers in this volume reflect these concerns. As our institutions continue to grow and confront student and society unrest, our honors programs and the NCHC should continue to provide educational leadership. It is our hope that the Proceedings, other publications of the NCHC, and our annual meetings will contribute to a greater awareness of the crucial problems facing our institutions of higher learning and our nation. The lessons we learn in our honors experience should hopefully influence the entire college environment. Over 200 colleges and universities are now members of the NCHC.



Program of Meeting

Institutional Membership

New Trends in Honors • WALTER WEIR

New Trends in Honors Programs in Small Colleges and Universities • JOHN S. EELLS, JR.

Problems of New Honors Programs • VISHNU BHATIA

Education Without Walls • HENRY GROSSHANS

Honors Programs: Our Aims and Intentions • ROBERT O. EVANS

The Problem of Liaison with Secondary Schools and Collegiate Honors Program • CLYDE VROMAN

Social Policy for the Nineteen Seventies and Beyond • WILBUR J. COHEN

Honors at St. Mary's: Effect and Cause • MARGARET FIELDERS

Prediction of Superior Performance in a University of Science and Technology • EDWIN C. LEWIS and GARY SCHUMACHER

A Science Core for Honors Students Not Majoring in Science • GEORGE SPRINGER

The History of Science as a Vehicle for an Honors Course in the Development of Western Civilization • JOEL RODNEY

Individual Honors Problems in Chemistry • HAROLD CHOGUILL

A Senior Honors Course in Linear Algebra • HUGH ALBRIGHT

Challenging Honors Students in Engineering • J. O. KOPPLIN

An Evaluation of the Honors Program in Agriculture at the University of Nebraska • VERNON WILLIAMS
