National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


Document Type

Book Chapter


Honors Online: Teaching, Learning, and Building Community Virtually in Honors Education [NCHC Monograph Series], Victoria M. Bryan and Cat Stanfield, editors, chapter 16, pages 287-292

Lincoln, Nebraska, United States: National Collegiate Honors Council, 2024


Copyright 2024, National Collegiate Honors Council. Used by permission


To state that the landscape of higher education has changed is an understatement. Strategies and approaches have been altered radically since the spring of 2020. After all, college and universities understood that they needed, as Glen Llopsis observes, a “process of reinvention, whether we like it or not. [Because] post-COVID-19 will not look like pre-COVID-19.” Many of these new strategies will undoubtedly become permanent fixtures because their aim was to foster a sense of community in our honors program. It is precisely some of these activities that this article will detail.
