Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



"Notes on Bird Sightings in Nebraska," from Nebraska Bird Review (September 1993) 61(3).


Copyright 1993, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


Notes on Bird Sighting in Nebraska

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks. On Wednesday, May 26, 1993, at 7:00 a.m., we saw two of these birds at our house in rural Lancaster Co., south of Denton, NE (S 26 T-9-N R-5-E). The ducks flew across part of the pond and perched in a dead cedar for about ten minutes before flying off in a southwesterly direction. The distinctive coloration, including black underparts, gray head, bright beak, and pink legs were readily visible. As the birds were flying, the large white areas on the tops of the wings were also clearly discernible.

---Dave and Cindy Cochran, Rt. 1, Box 88-A1, Denton, NE 68339

Gyrfalcon. On May 10, 1993, I observed a large hawk over one of our large local basins. It had very wide and pointed wings, and flew very low and fast. After a couple of turns around and over the basin, it landed on a brush pile close by. At this range I could see that it was a Gyrfalcon. It was uniformly gray with no dark helmet such as a Peregrine Falcon has. I watched it for several minutes before I left. I did not see it again although I did look for it the following day, and occasionally later.

---Lee Morris, R R 1, Box 14, Benedict, NE 68316
