Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Date of this Version
Document Type
Technical Report
Rolfsmeier, Steven B. and Leslie Stewart-Phelps. 2007. Botanical Survey of Fuel Reduction Areas on the Pine Ridge Ranger District of the Nebraska National Forest. Nebraska National Forest. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. 27pp.
Between May and September 2006, surveys of selected areas on the Pine Ridge Unit of the Pine Ridge Ranger District in the Nebraska National Forest were carried out to document the presence of vascular plant species of known or potential conservation concern. The surveys were done in response to a request for botanical information to include in hazardous fuel projects in the East Ash and West Ash drainages. These 2006 surveys concentrated primarily on these drainages, though small forested areas were also examined in the Deadhorse Creek and Indian Creek drainages. (Data from these sites are included in the following tables as part of the East Ash drainage.)
No federally listed threatened or endangered species are known from the Nebraska Pine Ridge region, and a single species listed as sensitive, yellow lady’s-slipper (Cypripedium parviflorum), is known from an 1889 collection from the Belmont area. No federal-, state-, or agency-listed plant species were encountered during the survey, and none has been recorded as occurring in the Pine Ridge Unit. Two species listed by the Heritage Network as globally imperiled or vulnerable (G1-G3) have been recorded as occurring in or very near the Nebraska Pine Ridge region. Northern narrow-leaf goosefoot (Chenopodium subglabrum [G3G4]) was recently found on the north slope of Pine Butte on the Oglala National Grassland, and a large population of dog-parsley (Lomatium nuttallii [G3]) was discovered on a chalky-shale outcrop just north of the Pine Ridge in Sheridan County in 2005.
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