Nebraska Game and Parks Commission


Document Type



Rolfsmeier, Steven B. Undated. The Flora of Meadowlark Prairie, Northeastern Seward County, Nebraska. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. 16 pp.


This report is on the flora of the Meadowlark Prairie. The prairie is an approximately 7 acre remnant of virgin tall-grass prairie in extreme northeastern Seward County, Nebraska. The remnant is triangular in shape and lies on a gentle southeast-facing slope with a total relief of 50 ft., along the east boundary of the Meadowlark Recreation Area. The prairie is surrounded on the east side by a small brome-infested prairie remnant and cultivated field off the NRD property, and on the remaining sides by formerly cultivated fields now seeded to native warm-season grasses. Soils in the area are primarily derived from transported materials (loess) overlying glacial till. The majority of the Meadowlark prairie can be classified as upland tall-grass prairie typical of that found through the eastern fourth of Nebraska. The report outlines the vegetation found, assesses its quality, proposes a management program for it, and provides an annotated list of species.
