Nebraska Innovation Campus


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News Article


Copyright 2017, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Used by permission.


Nebraska Unwrapped: Innovation Studio provides 'makers' tools of their dreams, December 12, 2017.

It has been another successful year for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. In the spirit of the holiday season, we’re unwrapping the impact of the state’s flagship institution and taking a closer look at some highlights. Today, "Nebraska Unwrapped" is focusing on innovation. Other topics in the series include student experience, outreach, and research.

Nebraska Innovation Studio makes sought-after tools and work space available to University of Nebraska-Lincoln students and members of the public. For a small monthly fee, ranging from $15 to $55 ( , studio members can use equipment like the full Adobe Creative Suite, a 14-foot long arm quilting machine, or a 19-inch planer.
