Most state constitutions are bulky, severely outmoded documents, badly in need of revision. The state of Arkansas in 1967 launched a commission to study and propose revisions to the Arkansas Constitution of 1874. At the November 1970 general election, the voters of Arkansas decisively rejected the revised state constitution, even though it had been drafted by the Seventh Arkansas Constitutional Convention and endorsed by ninety-eight of its one hundred delegates, the major political parties, both major party candidates for governor, two leading state newspapers, and many influential organizations, and even though opponents were few and disorganized. Only eleven of Arkansas’s seventy-five counties approved the proposed constitution. What went wrong? This article will attempt to answer that question.
Recommended Citation
Robert W. Meriwether,
The Proposed Arkansas Constitution of 1970,
50 Neb. L. Rev. 600
Available at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/nlr/vol50/iss4/4