Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology: Faculty and Staff Publications

Document Type


Date of this Version



Journal of Parasitology (2012) 98(3): 617-626.


U.S. government publication.


Specimens originally identified as Arostrilepis horrida from the Nearctic are revised, contributing to the recognition of a complex of cryptic species distributed across the Holarctic region. Previously unrecognized species are described based on specimens in cricetid (Neotominae) and geomyid rodents. Arostrilepis mariettavogeae n. sp. in Peromyscus californicus from Monterey County, California, and Arostrilepis schilleri n. sp. in Thomomys bulbivorus from Corvallis, Oregon, are characterized. Consistent with recent studies defining diversity in the genus, form, size, and spination (pattern, shape, and size) of the cirrus are diagnostic; species are further distinguished by the relative position and length of the cirrus sac and arrangement of the testes. Species of Arostrilepis have not previously been described in rodents outside of the Arvicolinae or from localities in the Nearctic. These studies emphasize the need for routine deposition of archival specimens and information, from survey, ecological, and biogeographic studies, in museum collections to serve as self-correcting records for biodiversity at local, regional, and continental scales.
