Centre for Textile Research
Date of this Version
Document Type
Published in IX Jornadas Internacionales de Textiles Precolombinos y Amerindianos / 9th International Conference on Pre-Columbian and Amerindian Textiles, Museo delle Culture, Milan, 2022. (Lincoln, Nebraska: Zea Books, 2024)
DOI: 10.32873/unl.dc.zea.1613
Las excavaciones arqueológicas en Huaca Malena (valle bajo de Asia), en la costa sur central del Perú, han permitido recuperar una importante cantidad de textiles procedentes de tumbas y de contextos secundarios de fines del período Horizonte Medio (Siglos VIII-XI d.C.). Destaca la variedad de túnicas o uncus que permiten visualizar la vestimenta masculina de la época y conocer aspectos de su tecnología, iconografía y de las relaciones inter-regionales que se dieron durante el estado wari.
Archaeological excavations at Huaca Malena (lower Asia valley), on the south central coast of Peru, have allowed the recovery of a significant amount of textiles from tombs and secondary contexts from the late Middle Horizon period (8th-11th centuries AD). The variety of tunics or “uncus” stands out, which allow us to visualize the male clothing of the time and learn about aspects of its technology, iconography and interregional relations that occurred during the Wari state.
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