Plant Pathology Department
Document Type
Date of this Version
Mycotaxon 130 (July–September 2015), pp. 783–805.
doi: 10.5248/130.783
A new species that is often associated with Cytospora chrysosperma was found commonly on stems of Populus tremuloides in Colorado. This fungus is illustrated and described as Cytospora notastroma sp. nov., and morphological and molecular data demonstrate that the new species is distinct from C. chrysosperma, C. nivea, C. translucens, and other species found on Populus. Diagnostic features are superficially visible, darkly pigmented conceptacles circumscribing the ascostromata and conidiomata and surrounding the white to grayish-white discs; some isolates produce a Phialocephala-like synanamorph in vitro in addition to the Cytospora anamorph.
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