Faculty-led Inquiry into Reflective and Scholarly Teaching (FIRST)


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Copyright 2024, Na Young Jung. Used by permission


This portfolio presents a comprehensive overview of TMFD 213: Merchandising I, a foundational course in the Department of Textiles, Merchandising, and Fashion Design at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The course is designed to equip students with critical thinking, analytical skills, and industry-specific knowledge necessary for professional success in the textile and apparel industry. The portfolio outlines the course’s objectives, teaching methodologies, and the impact of instructional strategies on student learning outcomes. It includes detailed analyses of quantitative and qualitative data collected through pre- and post-test surveys, assignments, and reflections. Quantitative results demonstrate significant improvements in key areas such as familiarity with processes and roles, and evaluation, while qualitative findings highlight the strengths of high-performing students and the challenges faced by medium performers. Reflection on these findings leads to actionable recommendations, including enhancing real-world applications, refining survey tools, and providing clearer guidelines for group projects. This portfolio showcases the course’s strengths in fostering critical engagement and collaboration while identifying opportunities for continuous improvement to align with evolving industry demands and student needs.
