Statistics, Department of
The R Journal
Date of this Version
Document Type
The R Journal (June 2013) 5(1); Editor: Hadley Wickham
Recent advances in aquatic ecosystem modelling have particularly focused on trophic network analysis through trophodynamic models. We present here a R package devoted to a recently developed model, EcoTroph. This model enables the analysis of aquatic ecological networks and the related impacts of fisheries. It was available through a plug-in in the well-known Ecopath with Ecosim software or through implementations in Excel sheets. The R package we developed simplifies the access to the EcoTroph model and offers a new interfacing between two widely used software, Ecopath and R.
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Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Commons, Programming Languages and Compilers Commons
Copyright 2013, The R Foundation. Open access material. License: CC BY 3.0 Unported