Statistics, Department of

The R Journal
Date of this Version
Document Type
The R Journal (June 2014) 6(1); Editor: Deepayan Sarkar
Multiple response categorical variables (MRCVs), also known as “pick any” or “choose all that apply” variables, summarize survey questions for which respondents are allowed to select more than one category response option. Traditional methods for analyzing the association between categorical variables are not appropriate with MRCVs due to the within-subject dependence among responses. We have developed the MRCV package as the first R package available to correctly analyze MRCVdata. Statistical methods offered by our package include counterparts to traditional Pearson chi-square tests for independence and loglinear models, where bootstrap methods and Rao-Scott adjustments are relied on to obtain valid inferences. We demonstrate the primary functions within the package by analyzing data from a survey assessing the swine waste management practices of Kansas farmers.
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