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The R Journal

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The R Journal (December 2015) 7(2); Editor: Bettina Grün


Copyright 2015, The R Foundation. Open access material. License: CC BY 3.0 Unported


Editorial, Bettina Grün

Contributed Research Articles

Fitting Conditional and Simultaneous Autoregressive Spatial Models in hglm, Moudud Alam, Lars Rönnegård, and Xia Shen

VSURF: An R Package for Variable Selection Using Random Forests, Robin Genuer, Jean-Michel Poggi, and Christine Tuleau-Malot

zoib: An R Package for Bayesian Inference for Beta Regression and Zero/One Inflated Beta Regression, Fang Liu, and Yunchuan Kong

apc: An R Package for Age-Period-Cohort Analysis, Bent Nielsen

QuantifQuantile: An R Package for Performing Quantile Regression Through Optimal Quantization, Isabelle Charlier, Davy Paindaveine, and Jérôme Saracco

Numerical Evaluation of the Gauss Hypergeometric Function with the hypergeo Package, Robin K. S. Hankin

SRCS: Statistical Ranking Color Scheme for Visualizing Parameterized Multiple Pairwise Comparisons with R, Pablo J. Villacorta and José A. Sáez

An R Package for the Panel Approach Method for Program Evaluation: pampe, Ainhoa Vega-Bayo

BSGS: Bayesian Sparse Group Selection, Kuo-Jung Lee and Ray-Bing Chen

ClustVarLV: An R Package for the Clustering of Variables Around Latent Variables, Evelyne Vigneau, Mingkun Chen, and El Mostafa Qannari

Working with Multilabel Datasets in R: The mldr Package, Francisco Charte and David Charte

PracTools: Computations for Design of Finite Population Samples, Richard Valliant, Jill A. Dever, and Frauke Kreuter

ALTopt: An R Package for Optimal Experimental Design of Accelerated Life Testing, Kangwon Seo and Rong Pan

abctools: An R Package for Tuning Approximate Bayesian Computation Analyses, Matthew A. Nunes and Dennis Prangle

mtk: A General-Purpose and Extensible R Environment for Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses of Numerical Experiments, Juhui Wang, Robert Faivre, Hervé Richard, and Hervé Monod

treeClust: An R Package for Tree-Based Clustering Dissimilarities, Samuel E. Buttrey and Lyn R. Whitaker

mmpp: A Package for Calculating Similarity and Distance Metrics for Simple and Marked Temporal Point Processes, Hideitsu Hino, Ken Takano, and Noboru Murata

Open-Channel Computation with R, Michael C. Koohafkan and Bassam A. Younis

Generalized Hermite Distribution Modelling with the R Package hermite, David Moriña, Manuel Higueras, Pedro Puig, and María Oliveira

Code Profiling in R: A Review of Existing Methods and an Introduction to Package GUIProfiler, Angel Rubio and Fernando de Villar

News and Notes

The R Consortium and the R Foundation, Martyn Plummer

Conference Report: useR! 2015, Torben Tvedebrink

News from the Bioconductor Project, The Bioconductor Team

Changes in R, The R Core Team

Changes on CRAN, Kurt Hornik and Achim Zeileis
