Statistics, Department of

The R Journal
Date of this Version
Document Type
The R Journal (December 2017) 9(2); Editor: Roger Bivand
In my editorial for the 2017–1 issue, I concentrated on tabulating the status of this journal with respect to its authors and reviewers (updated tables below). This time, I was prompted by an interesting blog posting by Jan Wijffels of BNOSAC, describing the use of the udpipe package to apply natural language processing (NLP) to the CRAN package database available from tools::CRAN_package_db() since the release of R 3.4. The interactive NLP searcher is a dashboard permitting exploration of annotated CRAN package title and description NLP data.
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Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Commons, Programming Languages and Compilers Commons
Copyright 2017, The R Foundation. Open access material. License: CC BY 4.0