Agricultural Economics Department


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Nebraska Rural Poll Research Report 24-4, December 2024 (released December 5, 2024)

Funding for this project was provided by Nebraska Extension of the Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Rural Prosperity Nebraska, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Agricultural Economics

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Some rural Nebraskans have used artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Just over one-quarter have used any AI tool. However, most younger persons have used AI tools.

Given that, it is not surprising that most rural Nebraskans are not at all or slightly informed about artificial intelligence. Just over one-third are moderately informed about AI, and just over one in ten are either very or extremely informed about AI.

Most rural Nebraskans are either not at all or slightly confident that AI is being used in the best interest of the public. Just over one-half are not at all confident that it is being used in the best interest of the public and just over three in ten are only slightly confident. Very few are very or extremely confident it is being used in the best interest of the public. However, knowledge about AI seems to play a role in how trusting they are of its use. Persons who say they are more informed about AI are more likely than persons who are less informed about AI to be at least moderately confident that it is being used in the best interest of the public.

Opinions are mixed about the impacts of AI, with most rural Nebraskans anticipating negative impacts on some areas but many see potential positive impacts in others. Most rural Nebraskans believe AI will have a negative impact on the following: job opportunities, society as a whole, workforce, bias and discrimination, and the US economy. Many see it as having a positive impact on healthcare, the way we access information, agriculture, and transportation.

Many rural Nebraskans see it as having no impact on their personal well-being in the next ten years. And, approximately two in ten don’t know what the impacts will be for each of the items listed. Persons with occupations in agriculture are more likely than persons with different occupations to believe AI will have a positive impact on their personal well-being in the next ten years.
