U.S. Department of Defense
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A case study will be presented of a two phase process of development of the hydraulic design of a flood control project incorporating a creek nestled within an urban greenbelt. The green belt reach consists of the existing, 5 to 15 foot wide tree-lined, low flow channel set within an approximate 100 to 150 foot wide floodway to be created by low berms. Any project features proposed for this reach would need to be environmentally and aesthetically acceptable. The design approach taken in developing the flood control and channel stabilization plan for the greenbelt reach will be presented. This approach includes qualitative and quantitative analyses in designing the minimum acceptable measures needed to ensure flow conveyance capability, minimize maintenance and provide for an environmentally and aesthetically pleasing design (USACE,1989a).
Published in Hydraulic Engineering: Saving a Threatened Resource—In Search of Solutions: Proceedings of the Hydraulic Engineering sessions at Water Forum ’92. Baltimore, Maryland, August 2–6, 1992. Published by American Society of Civil Engineers.