U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska
Document Type
Date of this Version
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Service 1962
This guide is NOT a regulation and is NOT to be used as such.
For detai led information on interstate movement of swine, refer to Part 76 (as amended) of Title 9, Code of Fed- eral Regulations. Copies of the regulations are avail- able from the Animal Disease Eradication Division, Agriculturallfesearch Service, U.S.D.A., Washington 25, D. C.
In addition to these Federal requirements, be sure to check the regulations of the State of destination.
Here is a general outllna of the Federal regulations:
- Healthy, unexposed slaughter hogs can be moved interstate without restriction directly to recognizad sla.ughtering centers for slaughter; or to public stockyards, or approved stockyards and livestock markets for sale for slaughter.
- Requirements for healthy, unexposed swine moved interstate for feeding or breeding purposes depend on (1) origin and (2) destination of shipment. In general, officially vaccinated pigs, properly identified al such and accompanied by a health certificate, can be shipped to any destination. Swine for feeding and breeding purposes can be moved without restriction to public stockyards, or to approved stockyards and livestock markets authorized to handle feeder pigs and breeding stock. But, such swine shipped from these points must be officially vaccinated and accompanied by a health certificate. Specific requirements are in the two tables.
- Swine treated with anti-hog-cholera serum alone or antibody concentrate alone cannot be moved across State lines for feeding and breeding purposes.
- Swine treated with virulent virlls cannot be moved interstate after July 1, 1963, unless they are consigned for immediate slaughter (and have.not received virulent virus withrn 30 days of movement), or are moved interstate under spec ia I certificate for specific purposes such as research or biologics production.
- Interstate movement of swine infe.cted with hog cholera is prohibited--for any purpose. Interstate movement of swine exposed to hog cholera is also prohibited, except in certain limited circumstances.
- Swine fed raw garbage (other than household garbage from the same premise) cannot be moved interstate except directly to slaughter under special permission for heat processing.