U.S. Department of Commerce
Date of this Version
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (2018) 49(4): 1,036–1,040
Hematology and serum chemistry reference intervals have been previously established for the endangered Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi) as an imperative measure for health assessments. Monitoring the health of the wild population depends upon reference intervals that are context specific; hence we developed reference intervals from fresh samples, as opposed to frozen, from wild monk seals. This study builds on the number of parameters from previous efforts by using samples collected between 2004 and 2015 from wild monk seals. Blood samples were analyzed by a single veterinary diagnostic laboratory within 24 hr of collection from apparently healthy, wild seals during research activities. Reference intervals were determined based on the analytical steps outlined by the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology. These comprehensive hematology and serum chemistry reference intervals enable more consistent and systematic interpretation of results, which will guide individual and population-level health assessment and decision-making research and recovery activities.
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