US Fish & Wildlife Service


Date of this Version



Kingfisher, Shilo & Mark Vrtiska. Fall Trumpeter Swan Survey of the High Plains Flock, 2015, pp. 1 - 9.


U. S. government work.


The annual fall trumpeter swan survey is conducted to determine production and distribution for a portion of the Interior Population of trumpeter swans in accordance with the Central Flyway and the Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge (hereafter Refuge) trumpeter swan management plans (1997 and 1982 respectively). Each plan outlines population objectives (VI-2 and A-1) and management strategies for monitoring population status, which includes aerial surveys in South Dakota, Nebraska, and Wyoming. These surveys are part of a trumpeter swan monitoring program that spans over two decades. Additionally, a complete survey of the population in North America is conducted every 5 years, and this year that survey was conducted. This years survey results were submitted to the survey coordinator for inclusion in the 5 year status report.
