Agricultural Research Division of IANR



Date of this Version



West Central Research, Extension and Education Center, North Platte, Nebraska, 2020



Assessment of Industrial Hemp Susceptibility to Off-target Movement of Commonly Applied Corn and Soybean Postemergence Herbicides; Milos Zaric, Bruno Canella Vieira, Marija Savic, Barbara Vukoja, Guilherme Sousa Alves, Greg R. Kruger

Effects of Drift-reducing Nozzles and Adjuvants on Dicamba Efficacy; Milos Zaric, Kasey P. Schroeder, Bruno Canella Vieira, Guilherme Sousa Alves, Jesaelen Gizotti de Moraes, Jeffrey A. Golus, Greg R. Kruger

Dicamba Simulated Tank-contamination in Common Postemergence Non-dicamba-tolerant Soybean Herbicide Programs; Milos Zaric, Guilherme Sousa Alves, Bruno Canella Vieira, Jeffrey A. Golus, Greg R. Kruger

Air Induction nozzles pattern distribution influenced by work pressure and boom height; Antonio Augusto Correa Tavares, Milos Zaric, Rone Batista de Olivera, Greg R. Kruger

Droplet spectrum of mix tank solution of dicamba + glyphosate under influence of nozzle model and work pressure; Antonio Augusto Correa Tavares, Barbara Vokuja, Rone Batista de Olivera, Greg R. Kruger

Weed control under different operational factors; Antonio Augusto Correa Tavares, Rone Batista de Olivera, Greg R. Kruger

Comparison of Spray Drift as Predicted by AGDISP with Field Applications Using Air Inclusion Nozzles; Barbara Vukoja, Guilherme Souza Alves, Kasey Schroeder, Jeff Golus, Greg R. Kruger

Effect of Surfactants on Postemergent Applications of Dicamba, Glufosinate, and 2,4-D on Amaranthus palmeri and Bassia scoparia; Ely Anderson, Bruno C. Vieira, Jeffrey A. Golus, Greg R. Kruger

Effect of Surfactants on Postemergent Applications of Glufosinate and Glyphosate on Amaranthus palmeri and Bassia scoparia; Ely Anderson, Bruno C. Vieira, Jeffrey A. Golus, Greg R. Kruger

Efficacy of Postemergent Formulated Dicamba, Glufosinate, Glyphosate, and 2,4-D and Un-formulated Glufosinate on Chenopodium album L.; Ely Anderson, Bruno C. Vieira, Susan Sun, Greg R. Kruger

Dicamba Plus Glufosinate Tank Mixtures Affected by Storage Time and Temperature; Estefania G. Polli, Guilherme S. Alves, Jesaelen G. de Moraes, Joao V. Oliveira, Greg R. Kruger

Influence of Surfactant-Humectant Adjuvants on Efficacy of Glufosinate Herbicides on Horseweed and Palmer amaranth Control; Estefania G. Polli, Guilherme Sousa Alves, Frank Sexton, Greg R. Kruger

Management of Troublesome Weeds in XtendFlex® Soybeans as Affected by Drift Reducing Adjuvants; Jesaelen G. Moraes, Guilherme S. Alves, Jeffrey A. Golus, Greg R. Kruger

Soybean Symptomology and Yield Response to Sub-Labeled Doses of Dicamba and 2,4-D; Jesaelen G. Moraes, Vitor M. Anunciato, Jeffrey A. Golus, Kasey P. Schroeder, Greg R. Kruger

Single vs twin fan nozzle coverage on broadleaf weeds; Jessica B. Oliveira, Bruno C. Vieira, Kasey P. Schroeder, Jeffrey A. Golus, Greg R. Kruger

Glufosinate control and physical properties with different adjuvants on Chenopodium album and Bassia scoparia; João Victor de Oliveira, Antônio Augusto C. Tavares, Estefania G. Polli, Jesaelen G. Moraes, Rone B. Oliveira, Greg R. Kruger

Interaction of Tank mixtures of Glyphosate and Dicamba on Glyphosate resistant Horseweed Control; Leandro H. S. Guimarães, Estefania G. Polli, Jose H. S. de Sanctis, Guilherme S. Alves, Greg R.Kruger

Drift Potential of Glufosinate Applied through a Single, Double or Triple Fan Nozzle; Livia I. Pereira, Leandro H. S. Guimaraes, Barbara Vukoja, Guilherme S. Alves, Greg R. Kruger

Comparison of Available ACCase Inhibiting Herbicides for Use in Industrial Hemp; Marija Savic, Milos Zaric, Jeffrey A. Golus, Kasey P. Schroeder, Greg R. Kruger

Deposition of a Four Rotor UAS as Influenced by Flight Speed, Flight Height, and Nozzle; Trenton Houston, Brad K. Fritz, Clint W. Hoffmann, Antonio Augusto Correa Tavares, Greg R. Kruger

Methodology to Estimate and Analyze UAS Swath Width Using Different Application Parameters; Trenton Houston, Brad Fritz, Clint Hoffmann, Greg R. Kruger

Non-dicamba tolerant soybean response to reinstate from different cleaning procedures of dicamba and clethodim tank mixtures; Vinicius Velho and Greg Kruger

Efficiency of tank cleaning different dicamba formulations; Vinicius Velho and Greg R. Kruger

Influence of droplet size in control of velvetleaf and lambsquarters treated with fomesafen; V. M. Anunciato, J. V. Oliveira, A. A. C. Tavares, J. G. Moraes, C. A. Carbonari, Greg R. Kruger

Interaction between clethodim and dicamba in control of volunteer corn; V. M. Anunciato, G. C. Macedo, D. A. Doretto, J. A. Golus, A. C. Carbonari, Greg R. Kruger
