Afghanistan: The Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection at the University of Nebraska-Omaha
Date of this Version
V. 2. Particular account of the Afghaun tribes -- Eastern tribes continued -- Mountain tribes -- Western Afghauns, Dooraunees, City of Candahar, Tereens, and Baraiches -- Ghiljies, cities of Ghuznee and Caubul, Wurduks and Caukers -- Naussers -- The provinces. Bulk, or Bactria and the Uzbeks -- The Eimauks and Hazaurehs -- Heraut -- Seestaun -- Belochistaun and Lower Sind -- Upper Sind, Moultaun, Leia, and the countries between Leia and Cashmeer -- The Royal Government of Caubul. Of the King -- Administration of the government -- Of the division of the kingdom into provinces -- Of the revenue -- Justice and police of the kingdom -- The military establishment -- The religious establishment
New and rev. edition. London: Bentley, 1842 2 volumes, Library has v. 2