Agricultural Economics Department


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Published by Department of Agricultural Economics, Report No. 191, June 2012. The website address is:

Sincere appreciation goes to the survey reporters for their participation in the annual UNL Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Survey. Without their valuable input, much of the information within this report would not exist.


Each year since 1978, the Department of Agricultural Economics, UNL, has conducted a state-wide survey and analysis of agricultural land markets. Considerable change has occurred during that time span, not only from decade to decade, but from year to year—reflecting a dynamic market pattern. The most recent year is certainly no exception. The February 2012 survey collected market information from a panel of some 130 reporters scattered across the state. Reporters are closely affiliated with the agricultural land markets in their areas, as agricultural real estate appraisers, professional farm managers, agricultural lenders, etc. In addition, the vast majority of panel members have been reporting in the annual survey for several years—thus providing some valuable historical context to the data and information collected.
