Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, Department of


First Advisor

Mark Balschweid

Date of this Version


Document Type



Copyright © 2020, Samantha Guenther and Brooke Wells


Rural Futures Institute (RFI) served to mobilize the resources and talents of the University of Nebraska and its partners, to create knowledge and action that support rural people and places to achieve unique paths to their desired futures. The Fellows Program was one method that RFI used to fulfil their vision by connecting college students with rural communities to create tangible results on community-defined projects and goals. As the program continues to evolve and find new leadership under Rural Prosperity Nebraska, it is important to document these changes and understand its history. The purpose of this historical research study is to describe the development and history of the Fellows Program by uncovering how the Fellows Program evolved from its inception as Serviceship and understanding the current and potential impact of the Fellows Program. This will create less ambiguity for future Fellows Program staff and partners as to why and how the program has changed.

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